Sudbury homeowner frustrated that homes on his street have multiple tenants

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A Serious Investor
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Sudbury homeowner frustrated that homes on his street have multiple tenants

#1 Unread post by A Serious Investor » January 16th, 2025, 10:31 am

A Sudbury, Ont., homeowner says he and his neighbours are frustrated with some "shared housing" on their street, saying up to 10 people are living in one suburban home.

"We thought we'd be in a nice quiet neighbourhood and all of a sudden we end up with cookie-cutter houses with multiple people living in [them]," said Denis Brochu.

"To me, it's not so much the people. It's the fact that they don't abide by our rules."

Brochu said he has seen some homes on his street with multiple vehicles parked on the lawn in the summer.

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He said some of the homes aren't properly handling their garbage, which leads to birds and animals getting in the bins and spreading trash on the street.

Sudbury city Coun. Al Sizer, who represents the New Sudbury neighbourhood where Brochu lives, said there's nothing illegal about residential homes with multiple tenants.

"There are regulations and bylaws that affect it, but there are also allowances for this type of housing," he said.

Sizer said shared accommodation is becoming more common in the city because of a housing shortage.

"We're in a crisis," he said. "We don't have enough housing to accommodate everybody that's here."

Sizer said that while shared housing is allowed, landlords and tenants still need to abide by local bylaws for everything from parking to garbage collection. ... -1.7431875

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Re: Sudbury homeowner frustrated that homes on his street have multiple tenants

#2 Unread post by RENT4ALLPM » January 16th, 2025, 10:36 am

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